



上次出差在机场的Outback Steakhouse吃饭,结果一个waitress过来搭讪,我还以为我长得帅,结果人家看到了我用的tx1000z,问我有没有overheating的问题. 真是哭笑不得.

到网上搜搜,所有买了这玩意儿的人们都是买完用一年正好开始坏,我的还好,10个月.为什么说还好,因为还在保修期里,所以还让惠普的保修给换了主板和网卡. 结果过了不到一个月,还是同样的问题.


下面是我给惠普CEO Mark Hurd从网上发的抱怨信,也不知道管不管用.看这个blog的朋友们如果也有tx1000z的,我相信你绝对也有这个问题.所以,也去发发声吧,没准我们还能拿到退款呢.


Dear Mr. Hurd,

As most of the tx1000z purchased by users in the market, my tx1000z also experienced overheating-induced wireless card malfunction right before one-year warranty expired. I was lucky enough to have the motherboard replaced within the warranty time, but the overheating-induced issues continued: First it was just the wireless card losing signal (luckily finding signal again but only after re-boot); now the whole machine would just shut down by itself if I just watch an online video from HULU.

The product is out of warranty, but majority of the users are experiencing the same problems I have, which is very very very frustrating. The problem is harming our other hardwares (flashdrives, for example), wasting our time (re-boot to find signal, machine shut down by itself), and hurting our feelings (impatience has grown).

I sincerely hope that this letter, along with those from many other fellow unfortunate tx1000z users, would urge you make a decision to take action upon this issue. A proper action to solve this issue would certainly help not only family/professional users like us, but also the image of HP company.

For me, I will never buy another HP computer unless my tx1000z problem is taken care of.

Thank you for your attention.

Sincerely yours,

"老豆腐", a doomed tx1000z user
